It has been the story of our lives over the last couple years. Delays. Disruptions. Redirection. Waiting. And Waiting. And Waiting some more! Just like Jesus’ triple repeat to Peter of, “Do you love me?” we could easily see how God might be asking us: “Do you TRUST me?” “Do you trust ME?” “No. Really. […]
Author: Denise Gregson
God’s glory is displayed through transformation. This is quite plain to understand as it relates to spiritual things. For 2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” There is nothing more exciting […]
What Ifs
“Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” (William Carey, missionary to India) Is it okay to dream big dreams for ministry? Where does faith end and personal imagination begin? Or are they intertwined? When we walk closely with God will He not put His desires in our hearts? Psalm 37: 4 reads, […]
Blessings in Hard Places
There are some lessons that can only be learned through challenging times. Through a cancer diagnosis we were given the chance to trust God more. We learned how God makes a special place for those who are going through painful circumstances. A place of intimacy to know Him more deeply. Rest and peace in the […]
For Radio Geeks
“Receive” by Louis Muggleton, BSc(Eng), PhD, FIEE (London), 1993. (abridged by Denise Gregson; 8/16/2020) Louis Miles Muggleton, BSc(Eng), PhD, FIET(London) (8 July 1922 – 5 April 2015) was a South African-born British ionospheric physicist and electrical engineer. Building on the work of Sir Edward Appleton in 1975, Muggleton’s seminal work provided the international standard ITU […]
The Networking Power of the Holy Spirit
When we rely on organization, we get what organization can do. When we rely upon education, we get what education can do. When we rely on eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. But when we rely on the Holy Spirit, we get what God can do. A. C. Dixon We are learning the lesson […]
Your Calling is Yours. My Calling is Mine. All Glory to God!
From time to time I have had people tell me, “ I could never do what you do.” Whether the obstacle for that person is leaving family, travelling by plane for over 24 hours, doing so with young kids, living in a place without “such and such,” evangelism, or something else, the point is well […]
Creative Solutions
I know many of you enjoy The Chosen series as I do. The scene depicted below is one I love because it weaves all the characters together. This is one of my favorite bible stories because it teaches us that there is often a way around obstacles stopping us from introducing people to Jesus! Nothing […]
Oh My Word!?
Another word (besides “technoclete”) has been coined under Para Tech! Except in this case, it all took place in the dream of one of our close friends. So, in actuality, it is really her word. The word? Re-biding! In my friend’s dream she was asking what I am doing upon leaving Guam. Apparently, I cleverly […]
Missionary Resources
I am happy to share a few resources for missionaries that have been very helpful to us over the last year! Maybe you, or someone you know, can benefit from one of these ministries: There wouldn’t be adequate words to share how helpful the Alongside retreat center (Richland, MI) is for those who are processing […]