Your Calling is Yours. My Calling is Mine. All Glory to God!

From time to time I have had people tell me, “ I could never do what you do.”  Whether the obstacle for that person is leaving family, travelling by plane for over 24 hours, doing so with young kids, living in a place without “such and such,” evangelism, or something else, the point is well taken. I can’t do those things either, apart from the grace of God. To think I can is dangerous and is folly.

You may have heard it said that “when God calls He enables.” He provides physically, financially, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.  This truth is taken from various Scripture teachings and examples including this verse in Hebrews.

Now may the God of peace, …equip you with everything good for doing his will,” (Hebrews 13;20-21)

 Our vision and calling may take us to places others don’t feel comfortable for themselves, or even for us. And, that’s okay. They may catch up to the vision and support it, or even join in. They may not. What is important, though, is that each of us is certain of our own calling and of the One who will equip us to fulfil that calling.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”   (Eph. 2:10)