Our Logo & Coining a New Term!

When considering our mission purpose, we were impressed with the idea of coming alongside others because sometimes God’s servants just need a little help. We are willing to offer a little technical help to those who need it so that their good work can be enhanced.

The Holy Spirit being our Helper to come alongside brought the term “paraclete” to mind and thus the name “Para Tech Ministries” was born (thanks, Howard M. for input, too!). Now…keeping this thought in mind, in such a ministry, wouldn’t it follow that the one giving technical assistance could be termed a “technoclete” ? We think so, since “clete” refers to being “called” from the Greek verb “kalein,” meaning “to call.” A “technoclete” is therefore someone called to come alongside others with technical help (don’t bother looking for it in the dictionary…yet!)

A huge thank you to one of our technoclete volunteers, Jimmy Chen, for helping us capture the idea of partnering with others, Christ being our common bridge, in our logo.

KTWG-AM 800/FM 105.9

KTWG began as TWR-Guam’s local AM station when TWR was first establishing a presence on the island, later expanding to shortwave ministry to Asia. The year was 1974. The station has been offering quality Christian programming and music since that time. AM 800, the station that wants people to “Know The Word of God,” also keeps the Christian community connected through a community calendar.

In 2000, this station was spun off to a local board and Christian owner. Recently the station expanded to add an FM simulcast. Para Tech was pleased to be able to help with some equipment updates to allow them to better accommodate these changes. Having spent a lot of time at this building at the beginning of our service with TWR on Guam, this is a situation where things have come full circle.

First Service Project

It brings us great joy that Faith Church was our very first service project in our new ministry as Para Tech Ministries (PTM) under Harvest Alliance International! This is most appropriate since Faith Church has been our “Faith Family” where we have worshipped for more than 20 years.

Church members come from all walks of life and many different cultures and ethnicities. They are serving around the island in schools, businesses, government and mission organizations. Many have left Guam and are now spreading the aroma of Christ around the world, yet will always be a part of the Faith Family!

Faith Church
Faith Family photo taken several years ago