Dooby Dooby Do

During the Alongside retreat we attended in Michigan, there was one presentation with a very catchy title: Dooby Dooby Do. We had no idea what that meant but it turns out that it was actually a very profound truth they were conveying with this silly phrase.

Keeping Short Accounts

One of the critical projects that Para Tech Ministries completed recently was identifying and removing a network device that had become compromised.  The wireless access point had changed from its original design and was negatively affecting the other computers on the network so that they couldn’t communicate correctly.

The small code change within the device was subtle and could have been easily overlooked, yet that “small” issue was creating an open door for a major attack later on. You can see in this picture that most of the activity was to “trustworthy” places, but a small amount of traffic was going to untrustworthy ones.  

There is a spiritual lesson for us in this. It is so important to remove the things that impede us in our walk with Christ.   

In Hebrews 12 we are encouraged to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And …. run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Sin can really distract and throw us off course and we need to throw our sins off regularly and experience the cleaning power of God’s love so that the sin does not open opportunities for larger problems later on.

This also points out how important it is to perform daily maintenance on systems.  Regular updates of firmware help prevent open doors for compromise in equipment. 

In the photo you can see a “before and after” picture after replacing the device around 2pm.

Similarly, we need to have daily checkpoints in our time with God to keep our firmware (the core components that allow us to function) updated and to obtain the benefit of confessing our sins for maintaining spiritual health. 

As John wrote, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9)

Rather than try to fix this infected device it was determined that it should be replaced.  Oftentimes, it is better to start fresh than to attempt to clean up bad equipment.  In the same way we can attempt to clean up our spiritual lives, and that may have a temporary positive result. But as we read from Isaiah 64:6. all our efforts towards making ourselves righteous are as worthless as filthy rags.  How much better it is to take the offer given to us to confess and have God give us a new, clean heart – free from any unrighteousness – returning us to operate as God intends.

Refreshing Others

“Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  (Proverbs 11:25)

We know some people who will be refreshed! Those who sent us on our way with words of encouragement, donations and prayer! A dear brother and sister who gave us a place to stay as we were transitioning.  Several talented “technoclete” brothers who donated equipment and valuable time to help us as we helped others!  God sees their service and will reward them. This coming together of heads, hearts and hands makes a task go more smoothly and more importantly doubles as a time of fellowship.

Pieces of a Puzzle

You’ve probably seen it: a pile of puzzle pieces that doesn’t look like anything special…Until you begin to put the pieces together one by one. Some puzzles are so beautiful when complete that people wish to frame them.

God connects people and events together in order to carry out His sovereign plan. And it is beautiful to behold, even from our limited human perspective!

Para Tech Ministries (PTM) has already experienced this, and we expect to continue to see the pieces of His puzzle fall into place. There was the friend on Guam who needed to close down their business and willing to offer their firewall to the ministry that could use it, with PTM being available at the exact timing to facilitate the transaction. Or, the timing of our return to Guam to pack out coinciding with the need for help at KTWG. And even the need for housing and household effects by another missionary couple at the same time we were transitioning out. Perhaps there are others we didn’t even notice?

For God, none of this is a surprise or a mystery. And it is certainly not just happenstance. He has it all in His sovereign hands. He is kind enough to let us see a glimpse of His big plan every now and then. “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” Deuteronomy 29:29

God Never Wastes an Experience

God has a way of bringing things around full circle. He can do this because He is sovereign over all things, and He knows the beginning and the end.

Back in the late 80s Doug started his engineering career in fire alarms …. In other words “life safety” work. The fire alarm panel that he helped design as lead engineer on a talented team with Electro Signal Labs (ESL) helped propel him into “spiritual life safety” ministry since he was able to pay off his loans after finishing the project and begin missionary service.   

As we travel, from time to time we see that fire alarm panel still in use in various buildings, which is an encouragement to Doug!  The local Christian AM/FM radio station, KTWG, is one such building and Doug recently helped repair the panel as one of his first projects with Para Tech Ministries (PTM).

We have seen God work in this way to use our past experiences for His glory, and I am sure many of you can attest to the same thing. Denise didn’t expect to be able to use her dietetics degree with TWR, but in 1999 Guam began the pilot project of Women of Hope program to Asia and she was able to be a part of the original team writing some nutrition scripts. We have seen this type of thing happen time and time again. What past experience has God surprised you with in your personal ministry?

Doug with the fire alarm panel he designed many years ago

Our Logo & Coining a New Term!

When considering our mission purpose, we were impressed with the idea of coming alongside others because sometimes God’s servants just need a little help. We are willing to offer a little technical help to those who need it so that their good work can be enhanced.

The Holy Spirit being our Helper to come alongside brought the term “paraclete” to mind and thus the name “Para Tech Ministries” was born (thanks, Howard M. for input, too!). Now…keeping this thought in mind, in such a ministry, wouldn’t it follow that the one giving technical assistance could be termed a “technoclete” ? We think so, since “clete” refers to being “called” from the Greek verb “kalein,” meaning “to call.” A “technoclete” is therefore someone called to come alongside others with technical help (don’t bother looking for it in the dictionary…yet!)

A huge thank you to one of our technoclete volunteers, Jimmy Chen, for helping us capture the idea of partnering with others, Christ being our common bridge, in our logo.

KTWG-AM 800/FM 105.9

KTWG began as TWR-Guam’s local AM station when TWR was first establishing a presence on the island, later expanding to shortwave ministry to Asia. The year was 1974. The station has been offering quality Christian programming and music since that time. AM 800, the station that wants people to “Know The Word of God,” also keeps the Christian community connected through a community calendar.

In 2000, this station was spun off to a local board and Christian owner. Recently the station expanded to add an FM simulcast. Para Tech was pleased to be able to help with some equipment updates to allow them to better accommodate these changes. Having spent a lot of time at this building at the beginning of our service with TWR on Guam, this is a situation where things have come full circle.

First Service Project

It brings us great joy that Faith Church was our very first service project in our new ministry as Para Tech Ministries (PTM) under Harvest Alliance International! This is most appropriate since Faith Church has been our “Faith Family” where we have worshipped for more than 20 years.

Church members come from all walks of life and many different cultures and ethnicities. They are serving around the island in schools, businesses, government and mission organizations. Many have left Guam and are now spreading the aroma of Christ around the world, yet will always be a part of the Faith Family!

Faith Church
Faith Family photo taken several years ago