“The joy of the Lord is my strength”—this is a familiar praise chorus inspired by Nehemiah 8:10. And if you read the verses surrounding this passage, you’ll understand why the people were overjoyed … through translation and interpretation they finally understood the message of the Scriptures. Nehemiah 8:8 and 12 serve as the bookends for […]
Author: Denise Gregson
Did You Know?
Did you know? (Source: Joshua Project) *For every dollar of Christian giving to all causes less than one penny goes to financing pioneer church planting among unreached people groups. *North Americans spend about the same on Halloween costumes for pets as they do on outreach to unreached people group. *Over 90% of long‐term missionaries work […]
Coming Up!!
The students have responded really well to games during events or small gatherings. They seem to like the break from their heavy studying schedule. The interaction is helpful for getting to know each other better in a relaxed situation. I have been able to use a lot of the games I collected for last summer’s […]
Is It Needed?
Three simple questions back in 2022 that have stuck with us. We had shared our vision for the large project we were considering embarking on with a respected Christian. “Is it needed?” Yes, we said. We believe it is. “Is anyone else doing it?” Why no, they are not and we don’t understand why! Then […]
The Lord is in the Details
…Even the pennies! It has been our desire to raise funds for our international student ministry locally and we are so pleased to see this beginning to happen. Local interest in supporting and helping the ministry is growing! Last weekend’s fundraising yard sale was very successful. But, even before the yard sale we were given […]
Coming Alongside Students
Having lived overseas for much of our lives and now finding ourselves living in the community around a university, naturally we wanted to reach out to the internationals students. Outreaches last year included a Welcome Dinner to start the semester, followed by Christmas snacks, providing meals during Christmas break, and in spring, a game time […]
Cheerleaders for Christ
What we are doing at PTM as we come alongside mission agencies and churches to enhance the good work they are already doing shouldn’t seem strange. To answer the question that has come up, spoken and unspoken, What’s in it for you?… we say, “The joy of serving the Lord through serving others!” We all […]
Can God Use a Robot to Bring People to Himself?
I truly have no business even broaching this subject. Honestly, I feel a little silly doing so. I am not a theologian or philosopher, nor am I a technologist. In fact, I am less adequate to discuss this now than when I first started my rough draft of this blog post a while back. […]
Do Sound Business Practices Have Any Place in Ministry?
“God calls us, not to success, but to faith-obedience and trust and service-and He bids us to be unconcerned with measuring the merits of our work the way the world does. We are to sow; He will reap as He pleases.” –Charles Colson While we may gain some ideas and practical methods from the world […]